Register NOW to lock in EARLY BIRD registration rates and to get the most promotion.

Vendors must have a downtown location or be partnered with a downtown location.

Chili Cook-Off!

Saturday, January 27

11am - 2pm

Bring tasters into the front door of YOUR downtown business to engage with your team and your brand!

Want to participate, but don’t want to make chili? Partnerships are encouraged!

Chili is one of southwest Michigan’s favorite events and it is growing! 

We are back in 2024 with more coverage in print, TV, radio, billboards, social media, and more so it promises to be another record-breaking year.

Don’t wait. Let us know you’re in today!

Simply click the button below, then click Reserve a Spot to register. 

Register NOW to lock in EARLY BIRD registration rates and to get the most promotion.

**Vendors must have a downtown location or be partnered with a downtown location.**

Plus, the features you love are back:

  • Chili BINGO to encourage tasters to visit more locations outside of the main intersections around downtown. Everyone who gets a qualifying BINGO has a chance to win FREE Downtown Dollars.
  • Sales of the annual commemorative Chili spoons will help to subsidize the cost of participating.
  • Your trophy awaits! Friendly competition for Best Retail, Best Restaurant, and for the coveted People’s Choice and Judges’ Choice awards!
  • Celebrity judges from our community (we’ve got some good ones lined up… and we’ll make sure they are more visible 🙂 )
  • Add a live DJ, and your social district beverages to-go, and this will be one of the best Chili Cook-Offs yet.
  • There won’t be a more cost-effective way to get hundreds or even thousands of people directly into your business in one day. Last year, over 10,000 people were downtown during the Chili Cook-Off!

Join us this coming January for one of downtown’s most popular and beloved events. For more information and to sign up, click here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to


© 2024 Downtown Kalamazoo Chili Cookoff. All rights reserved.